In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution, the Republic of Kazakhstan asserts itself as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest values ​​of which are a person, his life, rights and freedoms.

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In Kazakhstan, the implementation of the national plan proposed by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is in full swing, where he identified 100 concrete steps to implement five institutional reforms.

One of the priority areas is the promotion of the idea of ​​the Society of General Labor. The project is aimed at increasing the prestige and popularity in society of workers and vocational specialties that meet the needs of the state industrialization policy and the implementation of the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy.

The idea of ​​the Universal Labor Society is based on real productive labor. During the implementation of the project, personal success stories of Kazakhstanis (heroes of our time) who have achieved high results in labor, entrepreneurial, scientific, educational and other professional activities over the years of independence will be widely covered.

In his program article "Social Modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Steps to the Society of Universal Labor" dated July 10, 2012, the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev proclaimed the idea of ​​the Society of Universal Labor and called it the basis of the policy of social modernization of the republic. The essence of the country's social modernization implies a radical restructuring of the consciousness of citizens - from dependent moods to an active life position.

In the article, the Head of State says that the illusory nature of the concept of a consumer society, which has been widespread since the 60s of the XX century, is obvious.

"The whole world was particularly acutely convinced that this ideology of consumption turned out to be disastrous. It gave rise to massive social dependency in the developed countries of the world and is one of the main causes of the global crisis. This false idea, which cannot be implemented not only all over the world, but even in developed countries, one can find a constructive alternative, and such an alternative is the idea of ​​the Universal Labor Society," Nazarbayev said.

According to him, foreign experience shows that this process is accompanied by an increase in the activity of citizens, the disclosure of their creative potential. "Therefore, the desire of people to more actively protect their rights and freedoms will expand, the degree of self-organization of society will increase," Nazarbayev wrote in his article.

He also noted that it is necessary to cultivate in society an understanding that the state is not an endless donor, but a partner that creates conditions for the growth of the well-being of citizens.

That is why the idea of ​​the President to build a Society of General Labor in its content and semantic load is a national trend. This is a kind of guide to action both for state and public structures, and for every citizen of Kazakhstan.

This strategic document once again confirms the correctness of the course taken by the Head of State for the development of our country. This document covers important and relevant areas for all - labor, education, social orientation of young people, health care, housing issues. Therefore, new schools, hospitals, cultural centers are being built in the country, comprehensive state programs are aimed at this. And, despite the existing uncertainty in the global economy, including in foreign markets, Kazakhstan has achieved positive dynamics.

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