To become a developed competitive state, we must become a highly educated nation. The overall goal of educational reforms in Kazakhstan is to adapt the education system to the new socio-economic environment. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev says that “... that for a modern Kazakhstani, the knowledge of three languages ​​is a prerequisite for their own well-being. Kazakhstan should be perceived throughout the world as a highly educated country whose population speaks three languages. These are the Kazakh language - the state language, the Russian language - as the language of interethnic communication and English - the language of successful integration into the global economy." Today, knowledge of a foreign language, in essence, opens a window to the big global world with its colossal flow of information and innovations.

To implement the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education, the Program for the Development of Multilingual Education in College for 2018-2022 has been developed. The program is a complex of interrelated activities in terms of resources and timing, covering changes in the structure, content and technologies of education in the college. The implementation of the Program will provide an opportunity for students and teaching staff to gain access to the best educational resources and technologies, and will ensure the development of communicative and professional competence. The program involves further modernization of the education system in the college. As a result of the implementation of the program, the college will implement a multilingual model of education.

Multilingual education program  for 2018 - 2022

Action plan for the introduction and implementation of multilingual education