From October 18-22, 2021, an action is being held at the serviced section of the Linear Police Department at the Pavlodar station << Stop, arrivals! >>.

In order to prevent child injuries and accidents at the railway transport facility, we warn children and their parents that the railway is a high-risk zone.

The railway is particularly dangerous for those who neglect the elementary danger. The main reason for people getting injured on railway transport is their gross violation of safety rules.

The linear police department at the Pavlodar station reminds :

- it is strictly forbidden to walk along the railway tracks.

- you can move along the railway track at a distance of no closer than five meters

- cross railway tracks only in designated places that are equipped with pedestrian decking

- when crossing paths, it is not recommended to use headphones and a cell phone.

- do not climb on standing cars, the railway is electrified, under voltage of 27,000 volts!

  • 19 окт, 2021