As part of the week of special disciplines "OP, AT and Communication" of the implementation of the Jasmaman and STEM education programs on May 15, 2023, the second traditional professional skills championship among schools in Pavlodar "Baby Skills Pavlodar-2023" - "Young Mover" was held at the Higher College of Electronics and Communications. In the championship * took part * 4 teams from three schools of the city *Pavlodar *:

- Team "Optimists" consisting of: Shatov Nikita, Gontarev Makar, Sүleymen Nұrәlі, (class teacher Kairbekova Asia Kairatovna) - representatives of KSU "Secondary school No. 18"

- Team "Young Leaders" consisting of: Solovyova Polina, Kozybakov Galia, Sharnazden Amilia (class teacher Mukhina Larisa Aleksandrovna) - representatives of KSU "Secondary Educational School No. 33"

- Team * "Minecraft" * consisting of: Azamat Almira Әdіlқyzy, Gaak Ilya, Sidorenkov Dmitry (class teacher Mamaeva Guldana Zhumabaevna), representatives of PUA "Secondary School named after M. Auezova"

- The team "Young Clever" consisting of: Menshekova Eva, Melnik Ivanna, Rakhimgali Aizere (class teacher Nurmakova Madina Karataevna), representatives of PUA "Secondary School named after M. Auezova"

The championship contained three modules:

Module A "Social and Communicative," which consisted of two competitive tasks: "Paint" and "Deaf Phone." This module was conducted by teachers of Special Disciplines: Gordeeva Tamara Fedorovna and Melnik Ellina Sergeevna.

In the course of completing the task, the guys got acquainted with the means of communication, learned how the relationship between those on duty at the railway station, electricians and locomotive crews is carried out.

Also, school students visited the museum-laboratory of communication equipment.

Module B "What do I know about railway professions," which consisted of two competitive tasks: "Explain my friend" and "Collect the Puzzle," where the guys got acquainted with railway transport and professions. And also showed their ingenuity in solving non-standard situations.

Module C "Productive" consisted of two competitive tasks "Solving situational problems" and "Movement".

For the competitions, a 3D layout was used, on which trains are sent from one station to another, maneuvers are carried out. Participants watched the educational film "Safety at the Railway Crossing." Participants were in the role of duty officers at the railway station and assistants to the locomotive driver.

Modules B and C were conducted by teachers of special disciplines: Isaenko Vasily Vasilievich, Kurochkina Nina Vladimirovna, Karashasheva Svetlana Champatovna, Kondratyeva Lyubov Nikolaevna and students of the cities of OP-320 Boichesko Igor and Kozybakov Zhanat.

The Championship was evaluated by a competent jury:

- Chairman of the jury Zamesny Nikolay Vasilyevich, driver-instructor of DAR RAIL LLP and members of the jury;

- Sadenova Zarina Yermekovna, inspector of the Center for the Development of Youth Initiatives;

- Kabbasov Bakdaulet Dyusembynovich, teacher of special disciplines of the Higher College of Electronics and Communications.


The event was held at a high emotional level, all participants in the Championship received a lot of positive emotions and a charge of positive. Applause did not fade in the hall, raising the mood of everyone present.

Each participant managed to reveal himself, make new friends and get a lot of positive emotions. At the end of the competition day, the organizers presented diplomas of the 1st degree and prizes to all four teams!!!

The well-deserved award came due to the amazing spirit of friendship and support between the participants, the high intellectual level of the participants, resourcefulness and cleverness in solving non-standard problems. In short, the Championship turned into an amazing and positive holiday, which everyone managed to rejoice at!


  • 19 мая, 2023