On the eve of the celebration of Independence Day, an hour of history "The History of the Motherland in Literature" was held in the college library as part of the "Reading College" Concept on December 12.

Students of the E-112 group were invited and took part in the event.

The purpose of this event was to foster a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, pride in the historical past, present and bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Honor and remember the heritage, cherish and be proud of the symbols of your homeland.

During the event, the librarian introduced students to historical books about the last Khan of Kenesary, the Alash movement, about the December events in Almaty in 1986 and about the achievements of Kazakhstan during the years of our Independence. We also conducted a small quiz on the history of Kazakhstan.

Students of the E-112 group took an active part, shared their knowledge about history.

  • 13 дек, 2022