From April 12 to 16, in our college, a week of physical education and sports took place. In competitions on togyz-kumalak, shooting, athletics and table tennis winners and prize-winners were revealed!!! The champion in the togyz-kumalak tournament was Musralin N. (PМТ-353) 2 place was taken by Sokolova A. (ОP-120) and the third was Ergalieva D. (S-219)


In bullet shooting competitions, places were distributed as follows: Omarov A. (V-120) - 1st place, Rakhmitulaev A. (V-120) - place, Esenbaev E. (V-120) - 3rd place.


Among the girls, Sokolova A. (OP-120) became the best sniper, Maksutova A. (PO-120) won the 2 place, and Xenalieva R. (3) took the S-219 place.


In table tennis competitions among young men of our college, Musralin N. (PMT-353) became the champion, Solovyov D. (OP-120) took second place, and Қаbatov R. (PO-120) took third place.


The girls played prizes as follows: Maksut A. (PO-120) became the champion, 2 place - Beisembek A. (ОP-219) and third place - Sokolova A. (ОP-120)

And the final type of saturated program was the 3 × 10 m shuttle competition. Among the young men, Kabatov R. (PO-120), 2nd place Mendubaev M. (PO-120) turned out to be the fastest, and the third place was shared by three participants who showed the same time Қаbden I (PO-120), Shakaev B. (PО-120) and Eleukin N. (S-120).


Among the girls, the best sprinters were: Sokolova A. (OP-120), Popenko A. (V-120), Maksut A. (PO-120).

  • 19 апр, 2021