From March 10 to 27, 2021, videos of our students on the preparation of Kazakh national dishes participate in the regional online competition "Qazfood InEU" as part of the special project "Dastүr men" is timed to the celebration of "Nauryz Meiramy-2021."

Objectives of the competition:

- Increasing the prestige of Kazakh national cuisine;

- promotion of national traditions of hospitality of Kazakhs;

- revival of forgotten recipes of Kazakh national cuisine;

- strengthening of traditions of preparation and serving of Kazakh national dishes.

On the social network Instagram on the information resource InEU (@ ineuofpage), viewers through voting (from March 25 to 27, 2021) determine the winners who will receive diplomas, national and exclusive handmade gifts made by artisans - masters of their business. Contestants will receive certificates of participants.

The results of the competition will be posted in the Internet resources of the university on March 27, 2021.

We wish the participants good luck!

  • 19 мар, 2021