Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2018 No. 746 "On Approval of the State Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021" Enbek "provides for the training of qualified specialists in sought-after specialties in the labor market within the framework of the Zhas Maman project. According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the non-profit joint-stock company Holding Kasіpkor performs the functions of the operator of the Zhas Maman project. The acquisition of equipment for colleges will be carried out at the expense of the national budget, for universities - through the leasing mechanism or from the own funds of universities.

The Zhas Maman project (hereinafter referred to as the Project) will assist in the modernization of training equipment and the training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with international industry standards. At the college to purchase modern educational equipment and train highly qualified specialists in international industry standards in the following specialties:

- 1306000 "Radio electronics and communications," qualification 130605 2 - cable installer, 130601 2 - electrician for telecommunication networks and systems;

- 1304000 "Computing and software (by type)," qualification 130403 3 - technician, 130404 3 - software technician carried out certain work. From NAO Holding Kasіpkor, the college received a list of equipment in various specialties for selection and acquisition.

So, teachers of special disciplines Gordeeva T.F., Baltabaeva D.K., Tkachenko N.I., Toropova I.I., Tokpalinova A.A., under the leadership of the heads of departments Aitkenova A.A., Bralinova S.O., selected modern equipment for specialties, developed technical specifications and requirements The list of equipment for procurement under the Zhas Maman project was expert evaluated by experts involved - current managers and employees of the Eastern Regional Directorate of Telecommunications - a branch of Kazakhtelecom JSC (Pogudin S.V), PCN-101 LLP (Alexandrov V.K.).

The list of equipment for the purchase was repeatedly adjusted taking into account additions and changes from Holding Kasіpkor and was sent to the Department of Education of Pavlodar region.

After the identification of equipment suppliers, members of the college working group carried out a procedure for checking and agreeing on those specifications and requirements to eliminate disagreements in the acceptance of equipment. The contracts for the supply of equipment provided for the delivery, installation, testing, maintenance of equipment and training of college teachers in working with the supplied equipment. From September 10, 2020 at HCE&C, the engineer of the equipment supplier specializing in Radioelectronics and Communications, Buryakov V., conducted training courses for college employees on equipment.


Acceptance of the purchased equipment was carried out by a commission of representatives of the Department of Education of Pavlodar region, the public and the working group of the educational institution for the reception of the purchased equipment, created at the college by order No. 50-p of 11.05.2020. "About creating a workgroup." Equipment acceptance was carried out in stages, as it was received from the supplier, in strict accordance with the technical specification for each type of equipment.

  • 31 мар, 2021