The preventive conversation "Prevention of crimes and offenses among minors" was conducted by Suleimenov Ruslan Shaimardanovich, Senior inspector of the juvenile police and Senior district Inspector for Minors of the northern police Department of the UP police Prokhorova Rada Olegovna.In order to prevent offenses and increase the level of legal literacy, reduce the number of students living in a dormitory with antisocial behavior and deviant behavior, September 19, 2024. A meeting of students with inspectors of the police department was held in the assembly hall of the college.During the conversation, emphasis was placed on the administrative and criminal responsibility of citizens, including minors and their parents, for committed offenses. The general statistics on the city of Pavlodar of committed offenses among students and minors, as well as examples of offenses, were given. We supplemented the conversation by drawing attention to the fact that if a young man committed a crime and redeemed it, the fact itself remains in the cumulative database, which automatically excludes the implementation of further plans in choosing a military profession or service in the ranks of internal affairs, the police, in particular.The event had a great educational effect.


  • 19 сен, 2024