Today, representatives of Toraighyrov University visited our college, where they introduced our graduates about admission and choice of profession, because every young person constantly has to make decisions throughout his life. The problem of making a decision is not always an easy task, because often the well—being of a person depends on the right choice, and sometimes his fate.

The optimal solution to the question "who should I be?", which everyone inevitably has to search for at a certain stage of age and social development, is vital not only for him personally, but also for society as a whole. Professional orientation is called upon to help the younger generation in its professional self-determination.

Career guidance work is a natural continuation of all pedagogical work with students and, in some sense, its logical conclusion. Full-fledged assistance to applicants in choosing a profession not only helps them organize their educational activities themselves (when they consciously study subjects that may be useful to them in their future adult, working life), but also brings elements of calmness to their attitude towards their future (when an optimistic life and professional perspective protects a teenager from the temptations of today's life).

The college's concern for the reasonable choice of a profession by its graduates, the formation of qualities in them that will allow them to be in demand, become extremely urgent tasks, having solved which, realizing its humanistic function, will help young people to realize social and professional self-determination. This is possible only if there is a system of career guidance work, which is understood as the interaction of the individual and society, aimed at satisfying the needs of the individual in professional self-determination and the needs of society in providing a socio-professional structure.

We thank the representatives for providing information.

  • 09 фев, 2023