Sokolova Arina Dmitrievna, a 2nd-year student of the Higher College of Electronics and Communications, is studying in the specialty 1203000: "Organization of transportation and traffic management on railway transport". Arina will perform this year in the competition "100 best college students of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Arina has long dreamed of mastering the information technology space and becoming a sought-after specialist in the country. Realizing such a high dream, in 2020, after graduating from the 9th grade of school No. 43, she entered the "Higher College of Electronics and Communications". A demanding girl, active not only at school, but also in the social life of the college: regularly participates in various competitions and Olympiads. "The successes of the athletes of the previous generation inspire me, and I also want to conquer heights," she says about herself. According to her, physical education and sports greatly help a person in becoming a person, in achieving goals, in overcoming difficulties.

In 2019, she became the silver medalist of the Kazakhstan Athletics Championship at a distance of 600 meters, in 2021 she became the champion of Kazakhstan in the 4 *400 m relay race and won a bronze medal.

Arina Sokolova is a participant of the "Elbasy Medal" project: the "Bronze" level. Now they are making efforts to achieve the "Golden" level of this project. 

  • 02 ноя, 2021