On March 11, 2021, the Higher College of Electronics and Communications was visited by a delegation head of the region Skakov Abylkair Baktybaevich.

The first head presented competence centers open on the basis of the educational institution, on the basis of which there are training centers for specialists in the areas of Radio Electronics and Communications and Computing and Software.

And also in the summer period, school students will be attracted as part of career guidance work, which the educational institution successfully conducts.

Guests visited educational laboratories, which are equipped with modern equipment purchased under the E-learning program, on which specialists in demand in the region's labor market have been preparing for several years, as confirmed by social partners during an interview with A. Skakov, and also noted the importance of program the Zhas Maman, which is aimed at completing the educational institution.


During the meeting, the head of college Nygmetov Marat Zhanatovich, spoke about cooperation with social partners of Kazaktelecom JSC, Aspect Engineering Center LLP and introduced the participants to the material technical base of the college with equipment acquired under the Zhas Maman program.


  • 10 мар, 2021