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Education: Kazakh State Technical University, 1994, electrical engineer for automation. Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 2011, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Psychology
Subject of teaching Theory of electrical circuits, electrical engineering, Installation of cables and terminal devices

Teaching experience: 25 years


Awards:  Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education 2007, Certificate of Honor from the Regional Maslikhat, 2011, Certificate of Honor from the Education Department, 2018, Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018

Refresher courses:  2016 Astana NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "Teacher of a new formation of the TVE system", 2016 NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "Methodology of implementation and features of teaching special disciplines in English", 2018 NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "Implementation of educational programs of applied bachelor's degree in technical and professional organizations , post-secondary education", 2018 NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "Implementation of TVET educational programs developed on the basis of a modular-competency approach", 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Tekhnikalyk zhane kasiptik, orta bilimnen kayinggi bilim take yimdaryndagy kashyktyktan okytu: content kurudan bastap oku protsessin yimdast Activity" /36 hours/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda student ozіndik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36 h/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Pedagogterdin IT-kuzіrettіlіkterіn damytu zhane zhetildіru" /36h/ 2022 . NJSC "Talap" "Teacher of the system of technical and vocational, post-secondary education: improvement of labor functions" /72h.