Education:  Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, 1988, “Management of transportation processes in railway transport”, railway management engineer transportation processes on railway transport
 Teaching experience: 30 years

Subject taught: Information automated railway systems. roads

Category: highest

Awards: Letter of gratitude from the education department, 2015, certificate from Pavlodar station. 2015

Refresher courses:   2016 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Teacher of the new formation of the TVE system", 2016 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Organizational and methodological aspects of the transition to credit technology of education in TVE organizations",2019 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Introduction of criteria-based assessment methods in the training process of TVET organizations" 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda student ozindik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36h/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" " "Pedagogterdin IT-kuzirettilikterin damytu zhenіldiru" /36h /.