The anti-corruption agency carried out the next online "Hour of respectability" with participation of young persons, leaders of the industry.

So, the young scientist, the doctor of science and the owner of 9 patents Evgeny Zolotukhin and the talented journalist, the member of the Union of journalists of Meyrzhan Alibekula became heroes of video lectures.

"What is the role of integrity in science?" - a successful teacher of a large regional university in the Kostanay region, a master of sports in lying press and an exemplary family man Yevgeny Zolotukhin was able to answer this question in a five-minute video.

During the video lecture, he told young viewers about how he took his first steps in science, who is an idol for him and why success in the field of education is impossible without a "sense of shoulder" and teamwork.

Meirzhan Alibekuly shared no less interesting thoughts about goodness and honesty.

Many people know Meirzhan from the moment he hosted the Sunday issue of the analytical program "Аptа.kz" on the national television channel. Known for his professional reports on the political, economic, cultural and social development of Kazakhstan. Today, he heads the Zhambyl regional branch of RTRK Qazaqstan JSC.

During a video lecture, M. Alibekula noted that "a respectable person is distinguished by his mind, deep thoughts, good deeds."

Two different individuals, two patriots of the country, working in various fields of activity, in one voice called on young people to study, work, develop, respect relatives and friends, and love their homeland.

Recall that the Single Hour of Integrity is a republican action in which schoolchildren and students from all over the country study the creativity and success stories of famous compatriots, discuss the formation of the principles of honesty and integrity, and also get acquainted with relevant processes in the field of culture, science, sports, art, etc.

The promotion of the ideology of good order among young people within the framework of the "Hour of Good Order" campaign with the involvement of well-known personalities of Kazakhstan will be continued.

  • 29 дек, 2020