On February 21 in Pavlodar College of transport and communications was held the open championship of college the office game "Sapper".

The popularity of this game has no borders today. The world championships of the game "Sapper" are regularly held, and all new and new records are set up every year.

Everything who "sits down" on this game, hazardously set up own records, and having developed skill, try to beat the best world results:

-  Ian Fraser level – 34 seconds

-  Fan level – 10 seconds

-  Beginner level – 1 second

The open championship of the game "Sapper" was held within a week of special disciplines of the commission of "Computer facilities and the software" for the first time for our college.



35 students and the staff of college were involved in battle. Within 10 minutes participants had to find as soon as possible all mines on the minefield, without having opened any of them. Complexity level - Fan. Under the terms of our championship the one who will perform this task for the minimum time becomes the winner.

According to participants, the competition was emotionally, fascinating and fascinating.

In serious hazardous fight by winners became:

1 place – Moger Ivan (gr.E217) – 76 seconds

2 place – Smirnov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (employee) – 91 seconds

3 place – Bolatov Almas (gr.E217) – 148 seconds

4 place – Zhanbek Adil (gr.C217) – 169 seconds

We congratulate winners and we wish new records!

  • 22 фев, 2019