On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan on November 29, 2017 in a Conference Hall of our college the round table on the subject "The Uniform Fatherland — an Independent Kazakhstan" has taken place.
Students of groups AD-117, P-227, P-315 participated in an action. Students told about the brightest biographic moments of life of N. Nazarbayev and read the author's poems devoted to the First President of Kazakhstan.
Summing up the results of a round table organizers of the event Omarova K.A., Zhaniya K.Zh., Shaymardanova A.K. have acted. The most active participants of a round table have been awarded with presents.
Within the celebration of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan Presidential hour "Bizdіn Elbasa", conversations and lectures at lessons of public disciplines "N. Nazarbayev is the First President of Kazakhstan" were spent in all groups of our college. The library has issued an exhibition of books and newspaper publications "Maktar Tutar uly tulga".
Students and teachers of college have participated in the conference "About Life and activity of N. Nazarbayev".
On November, 29 favourite songs of N. Nazarbayev were sounded, the feature film "Way of the Leader" was shown on breaks in the foyer of our college.