From 01.11.21 to 24.11.21, advanced training courses of NJSC "Talap" were held under the program "Professional development of teachers in the use of international experience in training qualified personnel". From the Higher College of Electronics and Communications, the courses were held by the head of the department Kalmykov Yu.A. and the masters of industrial training and Karashasheva S.Sh., Gritsanchuk T.A., in an online format, lasting 135 academic hours.

This is a very informative program course based on the formation of professional skills in the context of the requirements of the labor market, the needs of employers and taking into account modern professional pedagogy and curriculum reform.


Trainer teacher Zhanar Yerkinovna Sadykova through professionalism, applied innovative pedagogical technologies, with detailed lecture materials, supplemented with video resources, presentations. Zhanar Yerkinovna's sensitivity, responsiveness and pedagogical tact increased our learning result, brought us to the final defense of the project.


First, we visited the role of developers of the educational program of technical and vocational education with the correct definition of learning outcomes corresponding to the qualification level of the chosen profession according to the main regulatory documents regulating the introduction of educational programs based on European experience into the system of technical and vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, using the example of Soprano Group, Finland.

Then they developed an educational and methodological complex taking into account digitalization and foreign experience of personnel training; a working curriculum and a program for their discipline / module; gained teamwork skills, methods, forms and methods of assessment.

As they studied the modules of the course program, they performed practical work, demonstrated and defended their developed documents in accordance with regulatory requirements and the use of digital technologies.

The courses were held in friendly fruitful work, mutual respect and understanding. The result of the completed program was a defense with a discussion of the learning outcomes of the project "Development of an educational program in the specialties of technical and vocational education". Specialty: 07160500 - "Operation, repair and maintenance of railway rolling stock" Qualification: 3W07160501 - "Assistant locomotive driver (by type)".

Repeatedly during the course, representatives of the NJSC "Talap" attended classes and left positive feedback on the work of the students under the guidance of Sadykova Zh. E.

  • 28 ноя, 2021