On 8.11.21, in the framework of the month of special disciplines "Transport", an open lesson on the topic "Wheel pairs of wagons" in the OP220 group was held at the HCEaC

Specialty: 120300 0 "Organization of transportation and traffic management on railway transport"

Discipline: Rolling stock and the basics of train traction

Teacher of the HCEaC of Pavlodar: Shaimardanova Bakytnur Kayyrlykhanovna


A package of documents has been prepared for the open lesson:

- Multimedia installation with software on the subject "Construction of wagons" - TEKRI;

- Presentation with training material;

-Applications for an open lesson (lesson plan, step-by-step fixing, GOOGLE FORMS);

- Natural samples of equipment.

The teacher correctly and reasonably determined the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the program requirements (Annexes 3 and 4 to Order 130) and the content of the educational material.

The structure of this lesson corresponds to its purpose and type - the lesson of learning new material. Skillfully organized the beginning of the lesson.

The stages of the lesson were interconnected, the presentation of the material is logical and consistent (after studying the purpose, they proceed to the study of the classification of wheel sets, basic dimensions and device, the transition from one stage to another is carried out with the help of problematic bundles, each stage was fixed and evaluated by various modern technologies).

The teacher connected the studied material with the life, profession and interests of students. She gave examples of production situations.

Conducting a step-by-step consolidation of the material, I used the ways of forming independent thinking among students by means of the content of the educational material and conscious comprehension of the educational material (presentation slides, TECHRI software, questionnaire handout -4 sets, GOOGLE FORMS test tasks at the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_lQAyNl9ZF8yKkldhBNqbQweg261k6aaEOLUWg8NxV_x2lg/viewform?usp=sf_link) , which inculcates, among other things, self-control skills (when performing individual task cards).

Bakhytnur Kayyrlykhanovna created a good, working atmosphere at the lesson.

The most important thing for each training session is to evaluate each student, which was done brilliantly, taking into account the three tasks of consolidation.

  • 08 ноя, 2021