On April 12, 2023, in celebration of Science at the Higher College of Electronics and Communications, an event was held among the first courses of "My Railway" We held a scientific and practical event within the framework of the "STEM Education" program in the weeks of special disciplines of the cycle commission "OP, AT and Communication" among first-year students of railway specialties.
The event is aimed at first-year students aimed at the formation of general professional competencies, the development of students' interest in research work, as well as improving the quality of students' training in disciplines and the development of their creative abilities. The participants were told about the prospects of doing science, shared their experience in writing scientific articles, listened to topics and conducted a vector-result.
The students were also told about the structure of writing scientific articles, visualization of data and images in scientific publications. Following the results of the event, the winners were revealed!

  • 12 апр, 2023