Education: higher Pavlodar State University, 1998, teacher of Kazakh language and literature

Subject taught: Kazakh language, Kazakh literature 

Teaching experience: 31 year

Category: teacher-researcher
Awards: Letter of gratitude from the Education Department, 2017

Refresher courses:  2017 PGPI "Teaching the Kazakh language and literature in the context of updating the content of education" 2017 NJSC "Holding "Kasipkor" "Implementation of educational programs of technical and vocational education" 2017 NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "CLIL Methodology: subject-language integrated learning in the process teaching special disciplines in English", 2020 JSC NTsPK "Orleuі" "Bіlim take masmunynyn zhanartu zhagdayynda kazak tіli men adebietі pәni boynsha okytu protsesіn zhobalau" 2020 JSC "Talap" "Tekhnikalyk zh In any case, the orta is white keying, I take the data from our account: the content is in the process of processing the last day" / 36 hours/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan oqytu zhagdayynda studentterdin ozindik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36 hours/., 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Pedagogterdin IT-kuzіrettilykterin damytu zhane zhetildiru" /36h/ 2020 JSC "NISH" courses in the discipline "Kazakh language" and "Kazakh literature" as part of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan /80 hours/ 2023 JSC "NIS" Sh" Teaching Kazakh language and Kazakh literature in college: focuses and strategies for improvement" /72h/.




  • 20 авг, 2019