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Education:Pavlodar Industrial Institute, 1991, an engineer – mechanic.

Subject of teaching:Materials science, technical drawing.

Teaching experience: 29 years.


Awards: Certificate of honor of Education Department, 2011, Certificate of Honor from the Education Department, 2020

Refresher courses:2014, JS “Erleu” “The design of the educational process in T&PE system with using information communication technology”, 2017 Holding “Kesipkor” “The realization of educational programs of technical and professional education, 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda student ozіndik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36h/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Teacher of IT-kuzizirettylikterin damitu z “Ane zhetildiru” /36h/ 2021 LLP “Center for Certification of Quality Specialists” “SAPA” course “English language” for TVE teachers in the amount of 120 hours in accordance with the level of the A-1 program (CEFR) 2021. NJSC "Talap" "Zhas Maman" zhobasy shenberinde "Bilikti cadrelardy dayarlauda halykaralyk tazhiribeni eskere otyryp, teacherdin kasibi ladies" (135h)