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Education:Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Krupskaya, 1988, special. "History and Pedagogy" - teacher of history, social studies and methodologist for educational work

Teaching experience:26 years

Subject taught:Story. Fundamentals of sociology and political science. Fundamentals of philosophy.


Awards:Letter of gratitude from the Education Department, 2019. Certificate of honor from the Education Department, 2021

Refresher courses:2018 InEU "Use of modular learning in teaching the subject "History" /72 hours/ 2019 InEU "Formation of professional competence of history teachers in the context of updating the content of education" /120 hours/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Teacher of IT-kuzirettilikterin damytu zane zhetildiru" / 36h/ 2020 NJSC Holding "Kasipkor" "Introduction of criteria-based assessment methods into the learning process of TVE organizations" /72h/.2020 JSC "NISH" courses in the discipline "History" as part of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan /80 hours/ 2020 JSC NCPC "Orleu" advanced training courses in the subjects "World History" and "Fundamentals of Law" as part of updating the content of secondary education /80 hours /.