Education:   higher Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, 1982, telecommunications engineer; KIPMO 2002, lawyer
Subject taught:  Digital and fiber optic systems, Basics of radio engineering and antennas


Teaching experience: 39 years

Category: highest

Awards:  Letter of gratitude from the Education Department, 2017

Refresher courses:  2017 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Implementation of educational programs of technical and vocational education", 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda student ozіndik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36h/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Teacher of IT-kuzizirettylikterin damitu z "Ane zhetildiru" /36h/.