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Education: Semipatinsky Pedagogical Institute named after Krupskaya, 1991, “Drawing and Fine Arts”, teacher of drawing and fine arts

Teaching experience: 26 years

Subject taught:Drawing
Category: first

Awards:Letter of gratitude from the NGO "Pavlodar Regional Organization of the Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Education and Science Workers", 2015, Certificate of Honor from the Education Department, 2017.

Refresher courses: 2014 JSC NTsPK "Orleu" "Organization of the educational process in the TVE system in the conditions of dual education", 2017 InEU "Modern innovative aspects of computer technologies of engineering graphics in the environment AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D", 2017 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Implementation of educational programs TVET developed on the basis of a modular-competency approach", 2017 NJSC "Kasipkor Holding" "Features of introducing credit-modular training technology in TVE organizations". 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda student ozіndik zhumysyn uyimdastyru" /36h/ 2020 NJSC "Talap" "Teacher of IT-kuzizirettylikterin damitu z "Ane zhetildiru" /36h/ 2021 NJSC "Talap" "Zhas Maman" zhobasy shenberinde "Bilikti cadrelardy dayarlauda halykaralyk tazhiribeni eskere otyryp, teacherdin kasibi ladies" (135h)