Perfectionism (from English perfect – perfect, faultless) – commitment to excellence, high inquiries, first of all to yourself aspiration that everything was ideal, in the best possible way.

Perfectionism pushes people to develop constantly, study, don't stand at the place. The other side of perfectionism is irreconcilability to own and others shortcomings. The person doesn't give to himself the right for a mistake, abuses himself for the slightest miss, the same great demands presents also to surrounding people.

If this quality is strongly expressed, the person is in constant tension, constantly limits himself, his self-assessment is unstable. In other words it is a so-called "complex of the excellent student".

Often children whose parents gave them heat and love not certainly (just because they are), and for good behavior, excellent marks at school, etc. become perfectionists. As a result of people seeks to achieve constantly the highest results, considering that he can deserve the love and recognition of close people in such way.



  • 28 авг, 2019