From January 20 to 23 at the sports base of the Pedagogical College named after Akhmetov, the championship of the region in basketball among students of SSEI was held. The HCEaC team in the group stage beat the VKINEU team with a score of 31:26 and the ACBM team (41:38), thereby securing access to the final.

In the final, they played with the teams of PSU and the favorites of the CIT national team tournament. PSU was "defeated" with a score of 36:27 and in the match for 1st place our Dream Team won a landslide victory with a final score of 53:33. Congratulations to basketball players and coach with gold medals!!! The names of our champions: Kusainov Ruslan, Tөleutay Daniyal, Mұkat Saғyndyқ, Kabduakhit Aңsar, Құrmaңkali Ernar, Lisinov Anton, Қabden Islam, Kenzhebek Elnar, Zhumabekov Nauryzbek. Coach: Sadovnik A.

  • 27 дек, 2022