Is it possible to say that a person has died? If he left behind immortal deeds? Abay

On January 17, 2024, a class hour was held for all college students, dedicated to the first Kazakh academician K.I. Satpayev. It is impossible to move forward into the future by forgetting about your past. And first of all, about people who are the property of the country, national wealth. The history of the people rests on the names of its great sons: England is Shakespeare, Byron, Newton and Faraday, Russia is Peter the Great, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lomonosov... In this context, the personality and achievements, scientific and government activities of the first Kazakh professional mining geologist, founder of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan and the first academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev acquire a key role and significance in the history of Kazakhstan. Class hours are prepared and conducted in the form of reports, information and presentations in group discussions. Our students immersed themselves in information about Kanysh Satpayev and consolidated the already known facts about him. Personally, I think that every person has a path that can open to him even on difficult days, and Kanysh Satpayev once again confirmed this. We are young, just like Academician Satpayev was in his time, and we must devote ourselves to what interests us and will help develop Kazakhstan even further. Kanysh Imantaevich is an excellent example for the current generation, and it seems to me that many of us will be inspired by the story about him to want to help develop our prosperous state.


  • 18 янв, 2024