In order to ensure the rule of law, law and order and fight crime, a meeting was held with the staff of the ODN of the Northern Police Department of Pavlodar on the topic "Prevention of offenses, prevention of Internet fraud methods". Representatives of law enforcement agencies informed students about the main methods of theft of property, by deception or abuse of trust.


Every year criminals come up with more and more sophisticated schemes, scammers enjoy the trust of people, which does not run out despite warnings.



At the meeting, the guys learned about the most common schemes of fraudulent actions: home visits, phone calls and SMS messages with deliberately false information, Internet fraud. All those present were given recommendations on the rules of safe behavior, compliance with which can help not to become a victim of fraudsters, and specific situations were analyzed according to the basic rules of vigilant behavior at home and on the street. In addition, the police focused the students' attention on attentiveness and vigilance when purchasing inexpensive goods from their hands, as well as to avoid communicating with strangers by phone and on the Internet.

  • 10 дек, 2021