The problem of choosing a profession always confronts high school students, and now it is becoming especially relevant in connection with changes taking place in our society. Students have little information about many new professions, and traditional professions are undergoing significant changes.

In this regard, representatives of the Higher College of Electronics and Communications represented by Zhekenov A.B. Head. Department of the Track and Wagon Economy, Iskakov R.Kh. teacher of special disciplines in the specialty "Organization of transportation and traffic management in railway transport," Kabbasov B.D. of the teacher of special disciplines of the specialty "Radio Electronics and Communications" together with the chief specialist of the education department of Pavlodar district B.K. Omanova conducted career guidance work in schools of Pavlodar district, namely: Rozhdestvennskaya secondary school, Rozovskaya secondary school, Novoyamyshevskaya secondary school, Shakatskaya secondary school, Kemengerskaya secondary school.

College teachers talked about the conditions of admission, training, practice, living in a dormitory and the life of the college.


Students were provided with booklets with a list of specialties and a video presentation. At the end of the conversation, the students were given complete answers to their questions.

  • 08 апр, 2021