Results of Student Anti-Corruption Survey.

Corruption has a negative impact on social processes, contributes to the deterioration of the investment climate, the spread of poverty, and reduces the morality of the population, generating threats to national security and effective socio-economic development of the country.

An effective fight against corruption is impossible without knowledge of its real state, mechanisms, specific causes and conditions of existence. Since educational organizations take a key position in the development of the state, in this regard, a survey was conducted to study the opinion of students on the state of corruption in the PUS at the REM "Higher College of Electronics and Communications"

The anonymous survey was attended by 574 students, which is 100% of the possible number of respondents.

The survey results show that our students demonstrated an active life position, the presence of a negative attitude towards corruption, the survey showed us the presence of an adequate corruption situation, or rather the absence of its manifestations in college.

  • 24 фев, 2023