The Higher College of Electronics and Communications organized a festive program dedicated to Nauryz Meiramy, which included the following events:

- Кorisy kuny (Greeting Day)

- teacher K. Omarova. And a competition on the best greeting is held Essay. The best works of Makhmudova D., Hasenova N. group P-120, Khuttymbek E. - group ОP-219 were noted.

- K.Zh. Baykhanova organized an exhibition of books, essays, the publications "Nauryz B_rl_k to the Zhena Beyb_tsh_l_k Meyrama"

- Jailau кuny (Nature Day)

- Akhmetova B.M. held a contest for the best congratulations to Nauryz. Took part Students of the 1st-2nd year. The teacher noted the best works of Kasengaliyev R S-120, Aydarbekova Р-ОP-120, Imanbek S-ОP-120

- Shezhire кuny (Day of memory of ancestors and blessings)

- thematic hour "Kosh keldyn Nauryz" was held in all groups

- Tarihka tagzym kuny (History Day)

-online excursions to museums were organized to the Museum of Local Lore and to the Ertis Museum


- Igister kuny (Day of good deeds)

- on this day congratulated 35 veterans of labor on the holiday -

Shamyrlic pen Sheberlick кuny (Day of Sports and Skill)

-online sporting events - a double competition in which 26 students of 1-3 courses took part


- Ulistin uly kuny

- Department "E and PO" organized and conducted the concert program "Nauryz-Duman"

The purpose of this event is to instill interest in Kazakh folk art and customs. Intensification of cognitive activity, cultural leisure of students, creation of a festive atmosphere. Form: (remote). Introduce students to national traditions and customs. Not just to give an elementary idea of ​ ​ them, but also to teach to learn, respect, understand and continue national traditions, as the heritage of ancestors. Within the framework of educational activities - to promote the development of intelligence, creative activity and figurative thought of students.

Nauryz is a holiday of spring. Nauryz is the beginning of the year. This day, March 22, the day of the spring equinox - a holiday of all the peoples of the East, the day of solidarity of the peoples. Nauryz for the countries of the East is a holiday of unity, peace, labor, spring, good, happiness. On this day, moral qualities such as wishes for good, congratulations, pardons - forgiveness, generosity are priority. The whole atmosphere of the holiday calls every person for high consciousness, morality, fraternal love, admiration, kindness and mercy. And so every nation looks forward to Nauryz.

First and third year students participated in the preparation and implementation of the event.

The Nauryz holiday - a holiday of the unity of all people on Earth and nature, the holiday of harmony, light and good was held successfully. The team thanked those who took an active part in the preparation and conduct of this event.

  • 19 мар, 2021