In order to implement the State Education Program for 2020-2025, to implement the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 No. 125 "On Approval of the Model Rules for Monitoring Academic Performance, intermediate and final certification of students for the organization of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education", 13.06.2023 year, within the framework of intermediate certification, a demonstration exam was held on the WorldSkills standards of competence "Railway Transport Technology".

On the basis of the Professional Standards and Technological Maps of the Pavlodar Section of the Akmola Branch for the Repair of Passenger Cars of Vagconservis JSC, teachers of special disciplines Karasaev O.V. and Shaimardanova B.K. developed the tasks of the demonstration exam that are relevant for students.

The inclusion of the format of the demonstration exam in the procedure of state intermediate certification of students of professional educational organizations is a model of independent assessment of the quality of training, which contributes to solving the problems of the vocational education system and the labor market without additional procedures.

In the current 2023 academic year, the WorldSkills Standards Demonstration Exam was attended by 6 best students of V-320 group of specialties: 1108,000 "Operation, repair and maintenance of railway rolling stock": Ensebaev Erbolat, Zhukenov Temirlan, Subach Rostislav, Tukuev Elaman, Tukuev Islam, Rakhmitulaev Alisher

The deputy head of the TPW Akhmetshaikhov A.A. and the head of the department Zhekenov A.B. took an active part in the preparation of the material and technical base for the successful conduct of the demo examination.

Students during the demonstration exam showed their theoretical knowledge and practical skills: they disassembled, assembled and checked

The quality of the task by students was assessed by the examination committee and independent experts, from among the managers and chief specialists of the company Vagconservis JSC and Kamkorvagon JSC: Ramazanov M.R., Davlyatchin E.M., Zhakupbekov D.S.

The demonstration exam in real workplaces is a new, very difficult, but at the same time fascinating test for both students and teachers. It was successful.

  • 16 июн, 2023